Thursday, February 12, 2009

The South Day 1

Today Kevin and I got to go play on the sandstone of Tennessee. It was Kevin's first visit to Little Rock City (aka LRC or Stone Fort) and I think he liked it. Our good friend and host Robyn joined us for a very nice, albeit warmer than expected, day at the boulders.


Kevin trying 'Kaya'

This area is on private property, a golf course in fact. The folks that run the course are generous enough to allow 50 climbers per day free access as long as you are willing to sign a waiver and register online each day that you climb. I made a point of visiting the pro-shop to say hello to the manager and thank him for allowing us access to the beautiful boulders. He seemed to appreciate it and said as much. I think this kind of simple gesture would go a long way toward improving climber relations in many access sensitive areas across the country. Its amazing how much more accommodating people can be when you're friendly to them.

Here's a video of a few problems from our first day.

The beautiful Jigsaw Wall

Tomorrow we go to Rocktown!


Robyn said...

Actually they only allow 35 climbers and 20 vehicles per day. The south sucks though, go to Bishop!

Robyn said...

Also, did I mention it sucks that I have to work today?