Nancy making me proud
I got a call this morning from my friend and Betabase creator, Paul Barraza. He and several members of the notorious Berkeley Crew have been in Joe's for a few days and were wondering if I was still there. Alas, the answer that I croaked out while choking back tears was not the reply I would have liked to give him, but it was the truth.
I wallowed for a short while after our conversation ended, a million questions running through my mind. When would I get to go back to Joe's? When would I have the opportunity to climb with so many of my friends again? When will I get to climb at full strength? I won't go through the other 999,997 questions I had, but I assure you I had them.
Just as my wallowing was reaching it's crescendo I was torn out of my misery by another phone call. This time it was my boss from Yosemite, Tori. How good it was to hear her voice. She officially offered me my job back, awesome, AND she said I could take a couple weeks off this summer if I want to go to Africa, BONUS!
So now I find myself in the position of having to find a 'cheap' flight. I found one out of DC for around $1300 that travels through Las Vegas. I found a fair for just the flight from Las Vegas to Capetown (the exact same flight as the one that begins in DC) and it cost an extra $600 dollars. Maybe I could buy the DC ticket but not board until Las Vegas?
Anyway, the sun still rises in the East and sets in the West so I guess all is not lost.