Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring Rolls

I made this for dinner from scratch and I lost the recipe before I started throwing things together. It turned out pretty well I think. In the future I'll make a few subtle changes but I'm psyched about my first ever spring rolls (with collard greens instead of rice paper wrapping). The sauce is peanut based with some rice vinegar among other things. I think it was too heavy on the rice vinegar but otherwise pretty good.


sock hands said...

i vote that you wrap the collard greens in rice paper with peanut sauce in between like a taco bell double decker taco... but that dang rice paper is SO HARD to get right... three millisecond differences yield crunchy choss or super sloppy over-saturated goo.


Justin said...

Good idea! A Spring Chalupa.

Becky said...

In Homer's drooling voice: Ahhhhhahahhhahaha...Spring Chalupas.

Susy said...

Wow - you really did it! I'm so impressed and there's another Gourmet here just waiting for you to get even more creative. Hint, hint - you can always cook for us.......