Somehow my dog, Turtle, managed to open a previously unopened jar of pasta sauce and eat it clean without leaving any kind of mess. The only evidence (aside from the fact that she was the only one home at the time) is a small dent in the lid and some dog hair stuck to the jar. Normally I would have been pretty upset about this, but I have to admit I'm impressed and more than a little proud of my girl. I've seen video of an octopus doing something like this before but I wouldn't imagine a dog being able to pull it off without breaking the glass or something. Proud.
She does look kinda guilty in the photo.
i love how she's looking directly at the jar, contemplating her behavior
guess pasta sauce is better than chocolate chip cookies? Proud gramma and glad it didn't happen on my watch!
Who keeps writing graphic stuff on your blog?
I WISH you had video of that, it must have been hilarious!
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